What should I expect in a service?
Praise and worship lifting up the name of Jesus Christ. A message of hope and encouragement from Pastor David Johnson which is practical and geared to living a Godly life, fully devoted to Jesus Christ, in today’s world.
Childcare, the nursery, and children’s programs happen during church service times.
Our Services
Trinity offers a Sunday morning and evening service. We blend a traditional service format with contemporary praise and worship. Prior to Sunday morning worship there are Sunday School classes for all ages. The Sunday evening service is more informal, with a Bible study feel.
Sunday School – 10:00 a.m
Sunday Morning Worship – 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening Service – 6:00 p.m. [due to special events, Sunday Evening Service is, on occasion, cancelled so please check the Calendar.
Wednesday Service – 6:00 p.m. Children and youth ministries, family meal.
Our Vision
Based upon our belief that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the greatest opportunity ever extended to human beings, we will seek out, and welcome to this local church, people of all races and backgrounds who have not placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. We will share the Gospel in our community, throughout South Georgia and the world.
We will strive to help every person discover, develop and use their talents in ministry and mentor every Believer to be a minister of the Gospel.
We will maintain a caring, nurturing atmosphere for all who worship in this place.
We will depend upon the direction and anointing of the Holy Spirit.